Sunday, January 4, 2009

Uhm, okay okay okay! I'm back to blogging, I know a lot of you miss me after such a long period that I went missing right? haha. Anyway, it's a new year already, so maybe I shall do thing differently and so, not being lazy, I came back to blogging, haha.

Yea, it's a new year, 2009! My first post for this new year, wahahhahaha. Well, Everyone is has their own new year resolution! So do I, cannot lose to others, so must set some also, LOL! kidding! And yea, I realised, more than half that I set, can't be done. So I decided to just cancel off them, hahahhaha! and continue with those that I still can do one. Wahahahaha!

Btw, it's just the 4th day of the new year, and I'm sad, cause tomorrow school reopen! DAM IT! ); but it's alright! HOLIDAYS ARE COMING SOON! hahahhaha, I'm having my holidays and shouting holidays are coming soon. lol, idiot.

Okay! Lastly, wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! (;